What's so funny to me is that while I was pregnant time seemed to drag. Every day seemed to last an eternity but now that Logan is finally here time is flying by. It feels like just yesterday my little angel entered this world and now he has been here a month! He brings me joy that I didn't know was possible and exhaustion that I never knew I could survive. My life is amazing and I love it!
My days now are so different then they once were, they revolve around Logan now. Thankfully he is a decent sleeper. . .he gets between 4-6 hours at night. He is a big eater which can get exhausting when you breastfeed. He is such a big eater I cannot produce enough breast milk and I am now supplementing with formula, which is sad but I'm not a cow! When we left the hospital Logan was 8 pounds 10 ounces. It is normal for babies to lose weight before they leave the hospital, even more normal for c-section babies to lose a lot before leaving the hospital. At our next check up with the doctor Logan was up to 8 pounds 13 ounces. For his 1 month check up he was only 9 pounds so although he is eating a lot he isn't gaining weight so we need to go back to the doctor again in 2 weeks :o( But other than that he is a very healthy boy!
My Dr. appointment went well I should be returning to work on the 25th which I am dreading. . . I will probably cry when I have to bring him to day care. At this point I have only left him twice and only for short periods of time. I cant bare to be away from him! I wish that I could just be a stay at home Mom like back in the day. . .but the financial world is so much different than it once was so at this point it's not possible. Anyways, the doctor did say that from now on all future pregnancies would have to be c-sections. At least I will never have to experience a contraction again. . .I'll also get to pick the baby's birthday :o) Here are some pictures that I have taken of Logan during the past month. . .