Now when it comes to my period I am always on time and it's always 28 days. So right before I was due to get my period I felt a little weird so I decided to take a test and it was negative. So I continued on and didn't think anything of it. Then October 27th came and went and nope the P word wasn't here. So on my way home from work on October 28th I stopped at CVS and picked up a pregnancy test. As I watched and waited to see the result the first line came in clear as day but there was a second line that was very faded in the back which would be a positive test. Unsure of the result I took the other 2 tests that were in the box and sure enough all of these tests confirmed the same thing. . . I'm pregnant. I was crying and shaking and the only thing I could think to do was call my little sister Maria. I kept telling her that I didn't believe it and that I needed further confirmation. With her on the phone I ran down the road to Walgreens and got a different brand and I got the digitized version because I didn't want any confusion. Now 5 tests later. . . all were POSITIVE!
As I sat home waiting for my husband to arrive I was a wreck. This was not planned but also not unwanted. I didn't know how he could react. So now I'm here and its 5:00 and he wasn't due home until around 6:30. I couldn't wait so I called him and told him that he needed to come home as soon as possible. He wanted to know why and I just told him that someone called me with some news and I wanted to talk to him about it. So as I sat and waited I threw on Knocked Up and planned how I was going to tell him. Finally he arrived home and I sat him on the couch, made him close his eyes, and place the digital pregnancy test in his hands. He opened his eyes and I think he was in disbelief. I was shaking and crying and I was just at a total loss. I'm still not sure that the shock has set in yet for him or me either for that fact.
I have set up my first appointment and I cannot wait for the day to come. November 23rd will be such a big day between getting all the information and having my first ultra sound. Today was also an exciting day since we shared the news with our parents and siblings. The funniest part is my sister in law is pregnant as well and is due 2 months before me. It's nice to know I have someone to share my experience with who is going through the same thing as I am.
At this point the baby is about the size of an orange seed but I can already tell that my body is going through changes. I am beyond excited for what the road ahead will bring. . .I have so much love for this baby already!

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