So again I have disappeared on you. . .and again I return. The morning sickness is still raging and I'm just praying that what the doctors tell me is true. . .which is that it should go away between 14 and 16 weeks. I'm doing my best to hang in there and remember that all of my pain and suffering will be well worth it in the end. I feel like I'm getting bigger by the minute but thankfully thanks to the belly band I have I am able to convert my regular pants to maternity pants for the moment and my shirts are just a little bit tighter due to my ever expanding belly. Well to catch you up on the baby's development since the last time I have posted. . .
At week 12 the baby is the size of a plum. . .
During the 12th week my husband and I went for the first trimester screening where the measure the spinal fluid through an ultra sound to see if the baby is at risk for certain birth defects. This so far had to be my favorite appointment of them all! The baby at this point is fully developed. . .it only three inches though and has a long way to go still. But the baby was rolling around, switching from side to side which my husband blamed on me due to the fact that, that is exactly how I sleep. . .I cant help it. . .I move around a lot! Then the baby decided to lay on its belly. . .which my husband gladly accepted blame for since he sleeps on his stomach. The baby was active the whole time we were there! From moving his/her arms around and kicking his/her legs. . .it was such an amazing thing to see. Then it was down to business for the measurement we came for and the baby did not make it easy on the technician. . .but end result is they said everything looked GREAT!!!!! We still have to wait for the blood work to come in but at this point no news is good news :o) Here and the 2 shots they gave us from that appointment. . .
So here is a picture of me at week 13. . . I must say I feel huge and I have to keep reminding myself I'm not just getting fat I'm actually pregnant!
This week the baby is the size of a peach!
For Christmas I received several gifts for the baby which def. made it feel more real to me. We got some outfits and stuffed animals also. . .I feel so grateful! Hope everyone had a great holiday!!!!
Jessica, what a fabulous idea!!! One of my biggest regrets is not keeping up with the documentation of my pregnancies! This a blog I have to keep up with! I am SO EXCITED for you!
Val :-)