Week 38 is here and that means that officially I have about 2 more weeks to go. . . ugh. . . I really hope he makes an early appearance. I went to the doctor last Thursday and had a sonogram done, they estimate Logan's weight at 8 lbs 1 oz as of that day, he is head down as well. That weight. . .not gonna lie scares me a little bit given that he is only going to get bigger. I've been in so much pain lately I asked the doctor if they would be willing to induce me and they wont. . . I was really not happy. . . not happy at all! Although I've been lucky enough to avoid getting any stretch marks I have not escaped the constant swelling. The nausea is getting worse and worse and destroying my appetite. Last night my husband and I was watching Valentines Day when I suddenly started getting a sharp consistent pain in my lower abdomen and Logan was all over the place moving around, I was so excited and thought it might just be that time!!! But it wasn't, I went to bed and nothing else happened other than the usual aches and pains and lack of sleep :o( Right now I'm taking bets from friends and family as to when Logan will make is grand entrance. . . feel free to leave a comment with your guess!
According to my sources. . . Logan is about the length of a Leek around 19 1/2 inches and around 7 pounds which we know isn't true. . .nope not my baby boy. . . my baby boy has more meat on the bones.
Internally Logan can grasp with his hands, I cant wait until he is here to grasp my fingers :o) Logan's eyes when he is born maybe brown, usually when they are brown they will remain that color but if he is born with gray or blue eyes they can change. There are some blue eyes on both sides but I have a feeling Logan will be a brown eyed baby.
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