So today was an average start to week 18. Feeling pretty much the same as I did last week, no major changes. But I'm still waiting to feel that first flutter from the baby. I also have a count down going on my calendar till February 15. . .I just hope the baby works with us and lets us get a peek at whats well you know know. I have been having a lot of heartburn lately which is rough since I am not a fan of those tums but I'm hanging in there. According to my mother the more heartburn you get the more likely the baby is to come out with a full head of hair. We shall see in just a few months how true that is. This weekend I worked on the baby room and was filling holes in the walls from nails and
ect. Getting everything prepared for the painting to come on the 15
Ok so here is what is going on with the baby this week. . .
The baby is either the size of a sweet potato or. . .

. . . a pepper depending on which site you choose. . .(a pepper. . .
lol the name of our dog)

Internally the baby's ears are now in position to stand out from the head, the legs and arms are being flexed which soon I should begin to feel!

And. . . the belly picture! Pretty in pink. . .or huge in pink whichever :o)
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