Yay we are more than 1/2 way there now! I'm still managing to stay in my
regular clothes w/ the belly band but I can tell that time is running out. Everything is pretty much the same, I have been still experiencing
spurts of nausea and heart burn comes and goes. I also think I may have started to feel the baby move around a bit. It kind of felt like a muscle tick and when I looked down at my belly I saw it move a little. It only happens like once or twice every other day or so but I can't wait for him to move around some more :o) It really is the coolest thing! So now on to the development. . .
This week the baby is the size of a banana on one site. . .

. . . or on another its the size of a carrot.

Internally the baby is still getting bigger! His eyelids and eyebrows are fully developed. Not so fun for me my uterus can start to put pressure on the
vena cava that returns blood from the legs to the heart. . .this pressure can cause varicose veins but thankfully I
haven't noticed anything yet.

And the belly picture. . . clothes are getting tighter but I'm hanging in there :o)
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