It's getting closer and closer. . . so exciting. Pretty much a lot of the same stuff this week and in previous weeks, peeing. . . heart burn. . . baby movements :o) (the smiley face is for the movements not the peeing and heart burn) Another reason for smiles is there is still no traces of stretch marks!!! WWWooooohoooooo! Every once in a while I check to make sure the belly ring is still open and so far so good with that. I'm really only comfortable in maternity clothes so I need Eric to constantly do my laundry. Too bad for him. But there was something awesome that happened last night. . . so if you remember from previous posts every time I try to get Eric to feel the baby kicking, Logan stops :o( Well last night Eric and I were sitting on the couch and I felt a kick so I grab his hand and of course what happens. . .Logan stops, EEEEEERRRRRR. So I told Eric to just watch. . . and he kicked!!!! So Eric got to see a kick, he thought it was cool and I was just so beyond excited! Well on to the pictures. . .
So this week Logan is about the length a cucumber, 15 inches and 2.2 pounds.
Or on another site he is about the size of an eggplant.

Internally. . . Logan's nerve pathways are developing in his ears so he will begin to respond more and more to sounds. My back aches more and more as time continues since my center of gravity is all sorts of messed up. And on another note Logan's "boy" parts are still growing and his "2 berries" are descending.
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