Day by day is how I have taken my journey and here I am at week 27! I only have 13 weeks to go. So this weekend was Easter and my family came all the way up from New York to spend it with me and my love :o) Everything turned out great but boy is my kitchen way too small to accommodate me, my husband, my mother, and my Oma all at the same time. Ugh. . . .that was very challenging. Unfortunately Logan decided to nap the entire day so he didn't move around for the family :o( I'm really starting to think he is shy. One development of the day was I had asked my little sister Maria to be Logan's Godmother. I have a lot of close women in my life but for my first born I felt it only fitting that my lil sis do the honors. . . we are totally having more than one kid so beware. . . Anyways, I don't really have much to report. I'm still sticking w/ maternity clothes over regular clothes, no stretch marks, heart burn still going strong, peeing often. . . very often. Today was beautiful so I attempted to jog a little when I took pepper for a walk. . .lets say I couldn't jog far but I was very proud of myself for the effort. Well on to the stats on Logan. . .
This week Logan is about the size of a head of Cauliflower. He weighs about 2 pounds and is 14 1/2 inches.
Internally, my uterus is putting pressure on the nerves in my back which can cause my legs to go numb. . . yup I've been experiencing that one. Logan may now be learning the habit of sucking his fingers and he may also experience hiccups from time to time. He can open and close his eyes and he sleeps in regular intervals.
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