It's official. . . the third trimester is here! But with it has brought the fun times of swelling up to the point that your shoes don't fit and your wedding ring is strangling your finger. Other than that Logan has a habit of pushing on my sciatic nerve causing a bit of pain. For the good news still (knock on wood) no stretch marks. Other than that its business as usual. . . heart burn, back pain, neck pain. . .yadda yadda yadda. Sticking with only maternity clothes really now I'll prob. have to go soon to pick up some more clothes since my darling hubby has to wash my laundry like every other day since my clothes are somewhat limited. Logan kicks around from time to time. . . that never gets old but Eric has still yet to feel a single kick :o(
This week Logan is the size of Chinese cabbage. . . 2 1/4 pounds and about 15 inches long.

Internally Logan has eye lashes and he will turn his head towards continuous light entering the womb. His movements are more regular and I will start counting kicks and I will keep you posted on how that goes. Logan is also developing layers of fat which he will draw energy from.
This blog is so awesome. They never had things like this when I was pregnant. I am so happy for the both of you. I have a few Giants outfits for Logan. I bought them for my nephew but my brother won't let me "corrupt" his son with wearing different team outfits. He is a Seahawk fan. Of course my niece is a big Giants fan and she goes to training camp with me now. Good luck with your pregnancy. We are praying everything goes well for you.