So this week I'm 7 months along. . .2 more to go . . . 10 weeks. . . unless Logan decides to make an early appearance which I would mind as long as he's healthy :o) Pretty much the same old on how I am, Logan's just sitting really high up causing a lot of discomfort but that is to be expected I guess. Standing on my feet for long periods of time is out and I literally have to pee the second I'm done peeing. Thursday is my next appointment at the doctors office so I'll have some more information for you at that time as to how much weight I have put on and whatnot. Eric was amazing and finished putting up the chair rail in Logan's room and I love the way it looks, he just has a few finishing details on that and then he is all done on that portion at least. So the first picture is Eric workin' the nail gun. . .
And here it is. . . .
I really love it an couldn't be happier! This past Saturday Eric and I took a trip to New York for my little sisters Confirmation. . . I'm so proud! It was great to see all my family and pick up some New York bagels :o) Anyways here is what is going on with Logan. . .
In Month 7 fruit/veggie stats. . .

On my other site Logan is about the size of cabbage. . . he is around 3 pounds and 15 3/4 inches in length.

Internally Logan is swimming around in about a pint and a half of amniotic fluid and he can distinguish light from dark. . . at birth his vision will be 20/400 meaning he will only be able to see objects a few inches from his face. My still growing uterus will start to throw off my balance. . . great!
And the belly picture. . .
Hi Jessica!
ReplyDeleteI'm Kat (Brandie's friend)... I've been "stalking" your journal for a while now and I just want to say you are so cute! your belly is adorable! and the room is coming out TOO cute!
I'm 25 weeks pregnant and I stole your idea of comparing the baby to fruit/veggies... I hope you don't mind-- my journal is on livejournal....
if you wanna check it out! Good luck with everything!!! you have 10 weeks left, I'm jealous, I want my daughter to be here like now! :-)
Aw thanks Kat. . .Brandie told me there were some mysterious followers out there LOL. Congrats on the baby. . .it really does fly by!