I took this week off from work and thank god I did because I really needed a break! Taking care of Eric and the dog and trying to get things together really is taking a lot out of me. I know maternity leave wont be a walk in the park but I am looking forward to that time as well :o) Things are pretty much the same this week. Quick recap. . . . tons of peeing, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, my feet which I cant see hurt, no stretch marks, exhaustion, heart burn, indigestion, ect. . . Logan is definitely moving around more, I woke up this morning thanks to his morning kickfest. Now that I've broken that down here is whats new. Today Eric has promised me he is going to buy the carpet for Logan's room, maybe I'll be able to push him into also getting curtains :o) Wish me luck with that. Yesterday we painted the letters for Logan's name in his room which I plan to put on the wall by his crib. Here are the letters. . .
So onto Logan's development up to this week. He is the size of your average cantaloupe. From head to heal he is around 18 inches and 4 3/4 pounds.
Internally he is putting layers of fat which will allow him to regulate his body temperature. At this point his lungs are well developed and if something were to happen and he were born now 99% of babies can survive outside of the womb and have no long term issues.
Here are the belly pictures bare belly and covered belly. . .